Friday 21 October 2011

Save Wildlife

Slogan- We don't want to extinct
              Because it really stinks.


We have made it clear that everything we do affects wildlife. We are the dominant creatures on this planet and we can choose to wipe out most of the species just by continuing on our present course of accelerating population growth and accelerating resource use. To save wildlife requires positive action; it requires changes in life style and changes in our general way of thinking (or not thinking). We must heed the maxim "Think Globally, Act Locally" and realize we are bound with all other forms of life in one gigantic ecosystem. The following are a few of my suggestions of things you can do to help wildlife (and eventually, help yourselves).


One of the dominant features of our culture is our obsession with "saving time" as though time were something that could be stored in a deep freeze or bank vault. We consume enormous quantities of energy by using "time saving" gadgets from dishwashers to power lawn movers to garbage disposals. We drive powerful automobiles at speeds slightly faster than the law allows to travel to places as quickly as possible. We eat foods in which there is more energy tied up in the packaging than there is in the food itself. All too often the time "saved" is used for trivial amusement: to watch a TV program.


Neatness is the enemy of wildlife. Much traditional landscaping, for example, is open and neatly trimmed, with little room for birds and other animals, and it often requires heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides. Let the weeds and bushes grow. Plant native trees. Our demand for unblemished fruit and catsup without insect parts forces the heavy use of pesticides and forces farmers to go to great lengths to control birds and other "pests." Blemished or slightly wormy fruit is still edible. My father had the habit of never eating an apple without taking out his pocketknife and cutting it up. This habit was ingrained from being brought up on a farm in the days before the heavy use of pesticides. Adopting simple habits like this can help to save wildlife (and maybe your own health).

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" is a slogan that goes well with "Think Globally, Act Locally." I apologize for presenting these over-used slogans, but they do have a great element of truth to them.

Reuse items as much as you can. Many "disposable" items are reusable, especially containers 
Reduce  the amount of materials and energy you consume by buying fewer prepackaged goods, books, minimizing the use of heating and air conditioning, etc

Recycle is one of the easiest ways to reduce your environmental impact, with curbside recycling programs. Start doing it and it soon becomes a habit instead of a chore.   

  19 Ways You Can Save Our Wildlife
  1. Do not buy bones, skulls, teeth, trophies or feathers of wild animals.
  2. Do not think of our wild animals as exotic food.
  3. Dont think of wild animal parts as having medicinal value.
  4. Do not think of hunting for wild animals as a sport.
  5. Do not hunt for sale or trade in wildlife.
  6. Do not hunt any protected or totally protected species
  7. Do not poison the rivers when you go fishing.
  8. Do not use nets with small mesh sizes.
  9. Do not fish near the shore,
  10. Do not keep wild animals as pets.
  11. Do inform the National Parks and Wildlife Service if you encounter illegal activities concerning wildlife.
  12. Do learn about ways to conserve our animals.
  13. Make education your objective when you next visit a wildlife centre.
  14.  Donate to a nature society or club. . GIVE to SAVE!!!!
  15. Be a volunteer for a nature society or club.
  16.  Encourage talks and debates on the values of wildlife conservation.
  17. Do take photographs of our wonderful wildlife. 
  18. Encourage your friends and family to respect Wildlife.  
  19. Think of wildlife conservation as a career. 

                                     The videos will tell you all.


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